Friday 11 November 2011

The 0800 Number Company don't tie their customers in to long term contracts

Leading freephone number provider The 0800 Number Company has published a quite interesting blog post on its website about why it doesn't tie customers in to long term contracts. The main thrust of the argument is that the circumstances of businesses ordering 0800 numbers can change dramatically in a short period of time, especially in such volatile economic conditions. It is therefore unfair to saddle businesses with rental and charges for 0800 numbers for months if they find they don't need them. They also argue that if the service is good enough then people won't leave, and you shouldn't lock people in - all good arguments and the sort of thing we expect from 0800 number providers!

Friday 4 November 2011

Childline reaches 25 year milestone

We asked a couple of weeks ago about leading 0800 numbers, and of course one of the most famous and recognisable 0800 numbers of them all is the Childline number - 0800 1111. Last week they celebrated their 25th anniversary. They do outstanding work, and we salute the work they do.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Interesting article on 0800 freephone number calls from mobiles

Here at the 0800 Numbers buyers guide blog, we try to keep our eyes open for interesting articles about freephone numbers for you. We found a quite interesting one this week on, which you can read for yourself by clicking here. It states that people spend around £1.9million per year calling non-geographical numbers (NGNs) including freephone 0800 numbers from mobile phones. The article goes on to talk about various alternatives to calling freephone 0800 numbers and other NGNs from mobiles, such as the wide range of sites out there that give you the actual number that the 0800 number is routed to. It is not, of course, the 0800 number providers that make money on calls to freephone numbers from mobile phones but the mobile phone providers themselves. Of course, if mobile providers continue to charge excessive prices then they are going to lose out because people will seek these alternatives, so they need to start considering their options.